Our parish is seeking a part-time minister to assist with the coordination of our growing activities and programming, mission planning, and coordinating of volunteers.
For more detailed information please contact Father Codega at PastorStLucyRI@gmail.com
Watch Sunday Masses, Funerals, Weddings, and other Liturgies Live and recorded for playback on our YouTube channel
Our religious gift counter has officially opened! Located in the entrance of the church, you can find an assortment of Catholic items such as rosaries, scapulars, statues, and children's books and toys.
Hours are Wednesdays from 1:00 - 4:00PM and Sunday mornings after Masses. This schedule is subject to change as the ministry grows, so make sure to check back!
Join young adults ages 19-35 for some comradery, great discussions and fun! Look for us on GroupMe loop for future events, or reach out to connect with other groups across the diocese!
Congratulations on having been asked to be a Confirmation Sponsor or Baptismal Godparent. In accepting this responsibility you are to be a witness in the practice of the faith and an advocate for Jesus Christ to the teenager, or you will promise to assist the parents of the child in raising their child in the practice of the faith.
If you are a Confirmed Catholic living in full communion with the Church, if today you are a registered and active parishioner of St. Lucy’s, if married, married Sacramentally in the Church, and are an active participant in parish life (you celebrate Mass with us every week) then please speak with Father Codega after the Sunday Mass you usually attend for a sponsor certificate. It doesn't matter where you received sacraments as a child, you must be practicing the faith today. Please do not wait until the week before the ceremony and please do not ask for a sponsor certificate if you do not come to church. Come back to church first!
We are pleased to announce the completed renovation of our parish center! This is a huge step toward revitalizing our parish community life, as well as being a great place for wedding receptions and rental by outside groups.
See photos here and for more information look here
Phone: 401.847.6153
Email: stlucyoffice@gmail.com
Fax: (call for number)
909 West Main Road
Middletown, RI 02842
All Saints Academy, elementary school, is a diocesan supervised, Catholic elementary school on the property of St. Lucy's church. Check the school's webpage for more information